We were recently asked where we stood on the issue of English independence – a fair question. After all, our name is Identity England not ‘Britain’ or ‘UK’. We thought it best to be honest; so, we answered that as we are both a new organisation and that our focus is geared toward ‘the bigger picture’ of changing the cultural landscape via our metapolitical activism, rather than having an agreed stance on domestic, constitutional questions, we have had neither the time nor the inclination to develop an outlook on the subject.

In truth, we are glad we were asked this question because, at face value and from an Identitarian perspective, a reborn, sovereign English state may indeed be preferable to the UK brand. Whilst we do not make the mistake of being shackled by history (unlike, it must be said, some within patriotic circles) we proudly take inspiration from our antecedents. The English as at ethno-cultural phenomenon have existed for 1500 years – and as a unified people with their own territory, common identity and governance for nye on 1100. Although subsumed into a British state-of-affairs in 1707, Englishness has that organic element – an ethno-cultural root (or germen as Guillaume Faye put it) that trumps a grafted-on Britishness. Englishness provides a far stronger foundational basis for identity today than a Britishness that increasingly falls foul to civic identities that logically end up in nothingness. A sovereign England may pave the way for a patriotic renaissance and open up the potential for further, far reaching political change.

However, we do stipulate any resurgent English state should remain wary of isolationism. If a new sovereign England emerges, it must avoid insularity and instead advocate for a Europe of a Hundred Flags, ready to stand alongside other Europeans in common purpose and destiny, as part of a great civilisational alliance. As Identitarians we recognise the importance of Pan-European consciousness and solidarity. Our loyalties include an allegiance to European civilisation which England is, and always was, very much part of. In any case – in sheer practical terms, if we are to overcome Faye’s ‘convergence of catastrophes’ that are already showing themselves – then we have no other choice but to join Team Europe. In conclusion then, although we see much potential and opportunity in the eclipsing of the United Kingdom, it must be born out of a wider metapolitical and cultural struggle. An English parliament filled with globalists would be of no benefit to the English – or their cousins on the mainland.


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