On 31st March, Identity England activists visited the German embassy in London to protest against the latest attack on patriotic dissent. On 19th March, the German government formally banned the Austrian Identitarian leader, Martin Sellner, from Germany for three years. The German government claims that Martin Sellner is a threat to the security of the German state, and also represents a threat to public order. This is the same government and state that allowed over 100,000 unknown illegal migrants into Germany in 2023. This is the same regime whose policy of accelerating the Great Replacement has resulted in numerous migrant terror attacks, the mass sex attacks on German women in Cologne in 2016, and the subversion of German society by agents of the Turkish religious authority, the Diyanet. All that is welcome as far as the extremists of the German regime are concerned. But Martin Sellner, a European patriot who has never been convicted of any offence, but has been persecuted by the Austrian, German, Swiss and UK authorities, is not welcome. In fact, the German regime fears Sellner, fears his message that the Great Replacement must be stopped and reversed through the policy of Remigration.

The German regime’s actions are not unique but are part of a European-wide pattern of increasing repression of patriotic dissent. The aim is to criminalise patriotism, to outlaw patriotic dissent, to persecute and make an example of any ordinary European who dares to reject the ‘Narrative’ that represents the ideology of the Regime. Liberal ‘democracies’ are now merely Simulation Democracies and, just like the old Communist East Germany, they are increasingly turning to the techniques of the Stasi state. There is no distinction between governments and states across Europe. It does not matter whether they are part of the EU, or, like the UK and Switzerland, outside the EU. There is no difference between governments in the hands of ‘left’ or ‘right’ parties. All are part of a Regime which aims to subject Europeans to the demands of global corporate capital, to the forever war policy of Washington neo-Cons, and to the global governance fanatics. Increasingly fearful that their destructive policies will lead to a backlash, the Regime is ramping up repression.

In Scotland, the new hate speech law came into effect on 1st April. The mechanism of this law is pure Stasi. The law will see speech in a private setting, including in one’s own home, denounced by anonymous informers. That anonymous denunciation will be sufficient to initiate police action that can lead to trial and imprisonment. Throughout that process informants can remain anonymous and will not have to appear in court. Given that informants can remain anonymous, there is no way in which the legal representative of any defendant can test the accusation. This is simply part of the creation of a political police state.

In England, the imprisonment of the PA activist, Sam Melia, for producing and enabling the distribution of stickers also marks another tightening of the screw by the Regime. The Crown Prosecution Service admitted that none of the wording on the stickers was illegal, neither were the stickers themselves. Instead, Melia was jailed for two years for his ‘intentions’ behind the stickers. No direct evidence was produced to show that his intentions were any more than ‘starting a conversation’, but his wife’s possession of a book by the late British fascist leader, Oswald Mosley, and a photograph of Hitler, were deemed sufficient to jail Melia.

In France there has been a recent intensification of the repression of Identitarians. In 2021, Génération Identitaire (GI) was banned by the French government. GI’s successes in rallying activist French youth, and, in particular, in highlighting the uselessness of French border controls, were deemed too embarrassing by the Regime. Using the bizarre argument that one of the helicopters used by GI in its ‘DefendFrance’ action was blue and white and therefore was pretending to be a French police helicopter, GI was banned. Now, the Regime is hunting down Identitarians who are accused of trying to reform GI under other names. So far, 12 arrests have been made of Identitarians accused of reforming an illegal group under the name Argos, and four more are being hunted by the French Regime.

It is not just in Germany, Scotland, England, and France that this process is under way. In Switzerland and Belgium too, there have been recent examples of Regime tyranny. It is clear that a new offensive against patriotic dissent is under way, right across Europe. This is a product of the Regime’s fear that the destruction that it is inflicting on ordinary Europeans’ lives is leading to an awakening. The Regime wants to further anaesthetise the population, and it intends to silence, ban, jail, and criminalise patriotic activists to prevent them acting as a catalyst for the awakening people. We must not give in. We must join together. #ResistTheRegime #PatriotismIsNotA Crime #GetActive – join us.

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