On 4th February, Identity England activists hung posters reading, ‘Choose the Right Path’ on the approaches to the UK Parliament. That Parliament, once known as the ‘mother of Parliaments’ is now, sadly, occupied by a ‘parcel of rogues’. Whatever Parliament once was, it is now little more than a theatre for the pantomime that all its members put on for the purpose of sustaining the Regime’s ‘Narrative’. Parliament is subordinate to the demands of Western globalists. MPs and Peers have committed themselves to a vision of the future that sees no role for free peoples and nations. Instead, they advance a programme characterised by never-ending war abroad, the demands of global corporations, a belief in global governance, population replacement in England and Europe, and their own personal advancement. In effect, our political system is dominated by the ‘UniParty’. There are many people who, for example, still think that a Labour Party victory in this year’s general election will bring some new beginning. They are fooled, they are trapped in a redundant ‘left-right’ paradigm. Keir Starmer himself proudly announced, in an interview with the Regime propagandist, Emily Maitlis, that he would much rather be at the WEF’s annual meeting at Davos than in Westminster. The WEF is Starmer’s natural home, just as it is for fellow WEF members, Rishi Sunak, Liz Truss, or David Cameron. For them, and their colleagues, the people to listen to are to be found in Davos or Washington, with anyone, in fact, except the English people. Yet at the global level, the UK’s politicians are merely the upper layer of the globalists’ apparat (a Soviet term referring to the administrative organs of the state and party). Parliament, then, is part of the Regime that controls our homeland for interests that our not ours. It is part of an increasingly repressive Regime.

In the last few days, a lone counter-protestor was arrested in Liverpool as he waved a Union Jack near a crowd of pro-Palestine demonstrators waving Palestinian flags. Last week, an activist was found guilty of producing and distributing stickers that the prosecution admitted were not illegal. That conviction was framed, both at the trial and in a Crown Prosecution Service press release as a ‘terrorism’ case. The ‘terrorist’ awaits sentencing. The Regime, happy to allow chants of ‘jihad’ and ‘intifada’ on the streets, takes every opportunity to repress real dissent against the system. It carries out this repression, which will undoubtedly intensify under a Labour government, in the name of the ideology of ‘multi-culturalism’. The Regime proclaims its ‘virtue’ by talking of ‘love’, ‘inclusion’, ‘diversity’, while its actions show it commitment to never-ending war – in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Ukraine, and, coming soon, Iran. It kills, destroys, and maims abroad while demanding ‘love not hate’ in England. It milks the tax-payer to feed the arms manufacturers, destroy functioning nations that pose no threat to us, resulting in migration flows that help further the Regime’s policy of population replacement in the West. In economic terms, the Regime is wedded to neo-liberalism, which translates as reinforcing the strength of global corporations, impoverishing the people. The Regime excuses its crushing of the majority of working people, their minoritisation in their own homelands, with the worship of infinitesimal GDP growth. All of this is justified by the Regime’s Narrative, something that is loyally supported by the Regime’s cheerleaders in the media, particularly the broadcast media, the universities and schools, the legal profession, and the ‘entertainment industry’. The narrative is then enforced by a politicised police force, and the Security State – particularly MI5 and Special Branch – the latter work with the violent left, both provocateurs and street thugs. The Security State’s links with the wider globalist world are numerous. Similarly, UniParty politicians work with globalists in Washington and street thugs in the UK. An example is the current Labour shadow chancellor and WEF member, Rachel Reeves. A Wikileaks reveal (now apparently erased from the internet) showed that Reeves, who was at the time the CEO of the leftist group, Hope Not Hate, was also a CIA asset. A cable from Washington to the US Embassy in London named Reeves and noted that she should ‘be protected’ as an informant. This is the nature of the Regime, of our Parliament.

So, who were Identity England calling on to ‘Choose the Right Path’? We would be happy if Parliamentarians abandoned the Regime, abandoned the narrative. But we would be very surprised. We are, instead, calling on our fellow countrymen and women to choose the right path. In the face of the Regime, we must say, ‘No’. We will not comply, we will ‘not go gently into that good night’. We will not stand idle while England, Britain, Europe crumbles. Identity England, and many others, often isolated and despairing, see themselves as ‘being in a state of dissidence – in resistance – against an entire system’ (Guillaume Faye). As well as hanging up posters proclaiming, ‘Choose the Right Path’, the Identity England activist also hung posters saying, ‘The Fire of Resistance Burns Inside You. Reclaim Your Homeland’. This is our mission, the mission of all good Englishmen and women, of all good Europeans. As Marcus Aurelius advised, ‘Waste no more time arguing what a good man should be. Be one’. 


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