The Israel-Gaza war continues to dominate international politics, at least in the West. For Europe, the immediate effect has been to further expose the advances made by political Islam in our homelands. In the UK, the huge Muslim and leftist demonstrations have died down for the moment, with a new tactic of besieging particular commercial outlets, deemed to support Israel, taking their place. But matters will get worse. Netanyahu has made it clear that the Israeli onslaught on Gaza will continue ‘for many months’ and will be ‘deepened’. Little apparently remains of northern Gaza, and fighting is intensifying in central Gaza. The overwhelming majority of Gazans have been internally displaced. It is now clear that the Israeli goal is the complete ethnic cleansing of the area. But where will the 2.2 million Gazans go? Not to any Arab country. On 17th October, King Abdullah of Jordan said that neither Egypt nor Jordan would take any Gazans. For the King, the issue is ‘a red line’. No other Arab state has said it will take any refugees from Gaza. Turkey has also rejected the idea. So where will they go? On 26th December, at a cabinet meeting, Netanyahu said that Israel expects ‘western’ countries to take them. This accords with an earlier leaked Israeli intelligence report that sees North America and Europe as the dumping ground for the Palestinians that will be driven out. This is the most likely outcome. The pressure from within countries like the UK will be to take the evicted Gazans. Muslim politicians, like Humza Yousaf, have already been demanding that. They will be supported by leftists who have hitched their bandwagon to the Islamic juggernaut. They will receive further support from the liberal ‘elites’ who will see it as another block to be added to the multi-cultural, anti-European world they are creating. For us, for Europeans, it will mean further destabilisation of our societies, accelerated Islamification, and more Islamist terrorism.

The Hamas atrocities and the Israeli onslaught on Gaza swept the Ukraine-Russia War from the media. For the advocates of Ukraine, the new fighting probably came at the right time, given the failure of Ukraine’s much-heralded ‘summer offensive’. The reality is that, faced with Russian defences in depth, the Ukrainian offensive quickly decayed into World War I style positional warfare. The war has now become a war of attrition, and even if the US neo-Cons and their European imitators were able to maintain supplies to Ukraine, the Ukrainians are running out of men. Tens of thousands of men have fled from conscription, the age limit for military service continually rises, and video evidence has shown dead Ukrainian women soldiers. Ukraine cannot win the war, and the western neo-Cons will scupper any move towards a negotiated peace. Clearly, such a peace would come at a price for Ukraine, probably the permanent loss of the Donbas area, an agreement to be neutral, and the creation of a demilitarised zone. The alternative is the destruction of a generation of Ukrainian men, the destruction of any hope of a future. There is also a likelihood that the Russians will mount an overwhelming offensive that would make the idea of a peace conference redundant. The war is a disaster for Ukraine, but it is proving to be a setback for the globalists, the neo-Cons, in our western capitals. Worse, the pattern established since the end of the Cold War is that a defeat is simply turned into ‘old news’ by a new war. Here, the target is Iran. There is little doubt that Iran is next on the neo-Cons list. Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, and Libya, have all been destroyed. Iran is next. In 2024, the mass media will increasingly run stories blaming Iran for every ill, targeting Iran as a ‘rogue state’. The danger in 2024 is that, as Ukraine fails, so war with Iran becomes the next option, the next pit into which hundreds of thousands of lives and trillions of tax-payers’ dollars will be thrown. Not only will British and other European military personnel die and suffer, but we will then be faced with another endless wave of migration into Europe. 

In 2024, we face a general election in the UK. It is highly likely that the result will be a large majority of seats in the House of Commons for the Labour Party. The Conservatives may well be reduced to a rump, Reform will gain no seats, and the Liberal Democrats will celebrate yet another non ‘break though’. But this is the age of the UniParty. There is no disagreement on the essential issues as far as mainstream politics is concerned. All are committed to economic liberalism, to multiculturalism and mass immigration, to the continued erosion of the nation state, and subservience to the demands of globalism. Keir Starmer has made his commitment to the demands of corporate capital clear. In an interview with Emily Maitlis, Starmer happily admitted that he would much rather be at WEF meetings at Davos, rather than at Westminster, a confession that confirms Renaud Camus’ argument that we live in a ‘Davocracy’, not a democracy. Given that Labour’s economic policies will mark no change with that of the current WEF placeman, Rishi Sunak, that leaves only the cultural and demographic fronts for a Labour government. Again, there will be no change in the basic approach – mass immigration at population replacement levels, and the propagation of the ideology of multiculturalism. Instead, it is likely that there will be an intensification of the cultural and demographic wars on the British peoples. Despite the internal contradictions, Islamisation, Trans and ‘queer’ ideology, anti-family, anti-white, multiculti propaganda will be enhanced. This will all be supported by an even wider raft of legal sanctions, a further politicising of the police and courts, and a war on all patriots.

One prediction that is a certainty is that 2024 will see the continued progress of the great replacement. There is not the slightest indication that the demographic transformation of England, Britain, and Europe is going to stop, let alone be reversed. The external pressures continue to build, fuelled by extraordinary population growth in Africa, and the endless neo-Con wars waged on the Middle East. Internally, the entirety of the political, media and education establishment is committed to mass immigration and the cultural destruction of our peoples. Under the ‘Conservatives’, legal mass immigration has hit new record heights, while illegal immigration exceeds typical annual immigration from all sources in the 1980s. In keeping with the current character of national politics, the pantomime of the ‘Rwanda option’, supported by ‘pledges’ to ‘stop the boats’, have become merely a distraction from the million plus legal immigration we experience each year. This is a society transforming period with no parallel in our history. It is a threat to the continued existence of not only an English England, but a European Europe. Expect that threat to grow in 2024.

Four predictions for 2024. All with disturbing consequences. Is there any hope to be found in those predictions? Yes. Firstly, the national impact of the Israel-Gaza war has been to further reveal the growing strength of Islam in our homelands. Secondly, the fuelling of the Ukraine-Russia War, and the constant manoeuvring against Iran, confirms the addiction to wars without end of the system that destroys both abroad and at home. Thirdly, the election of a Labour government will accelerate the cultural war on our peoples. That, in turn, will bring more people to patriotic groups and parties, and will make it harder for ordinary people to ignore the direction of travel. There is all to fight for. In 2024, Get Active!

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